Hi it's the huss here in this page I've also got a small section on silly songs as well

Hi! it's me. As you might of guessed this web page is about cats, but something you might not have guessed, it's also about snails. Here is an unknown saying: snails are a man's best friend. unfortunately, I've just made it up this minute so it's not really true but i've said it anyway!

I like cats because they're furry, friendly, and love to get cuddled. I like snails because they're interestingly designed, and are fun to look after.

This is my cat Riley she's dead now but she's still the best cat that I have ever had.(apart from my cat Trolly (living) The name Trolly is short for Antony Trollope.
I don't know where this cat came from but I think that I nicked it from my friends site, so look there.
This is a picture of my cat, trolley who is sitting on my bean bag.
This a cat in a blizzard that I drew on paint shop pro
This is a snail in the snow that I drew on paint shop pro.
Another song : cats catcats cats catcats cats

my song:

snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails snails.

this is another picture of Trolley-showing its bits to the world.